Saturday 31 August 2013

Top tips for perfect photo suite 7

For quite a while now I have been using Perfect Photo Suite 7, to edit my photos along side Lightroom 5. I must say that it is quite a workflow. Here are my 5 top features in perfect photo 7.

My first one is not such a feature put a tip (don't worry you'll still get 5 features). In the suite when you add any sort of colour filter you get the colour wheel with a few other settings, I was really struggling to find a picker i don't know if it was just me but it took me ages. I finally found it in the colour box as a magnifying glass. Thats what it is on mac I'm not shore about windows.

The perfect Brush

This is one special brush and it sure dose make easy work of simple masking. To get the most out of the brush its important to know how it works. It works by sampling colours from the centre part of the brush then masking based on that. Another quick tip, if you hold command (Mac) it holds your last sampled colour, so you can move your brush from the colour.

Protect Skin Tones in Prefect Effects

Do you ever get that look you love but the skin tones look like your subject have been hit by a nuke. Now the problem is solved with a little and I must say slightly hidden feature. When you apply an effect you can select its options, in there is the protect section called flesh colours, this is the exciting one. You can even change the colour to match your subjects shin, how cool.

Segment View in Perfect Mask

For all the detailed masking Perfect Photo Suite 7 has Perfect Mask what really dose a good job. There is a view called segments, this is my first stop for my complicated masking, and were i choose my drop and keep colours. Explaining how this works and what this means could be a bit long winded so watch out for future blogs on in-depth Perfect Mask.

Blending in Perfect B&W

All the way at the bottom of the B&W panel there is the blending options, I use this on almost all of my edits. If its adding a bit of desaturation or a crazy grunge effect to a HDR. This feature is used in 90% of my images.

Gallery Wrap in Perfect Resize

I don't use this app much but I don't think I could print without it now. All the way at the bottom again just below tiling (what i do think is very underrated) is the Gallery wrap, this basically ads a border to your image for when you print canvases. there are so many variations you just have to dive in and play.

So that is my favourite features in Perfect Photo Suite 7 I think it is a grate software and have been getting some interesting results with it. Keep cheeked in to the blog and youtube channel for more edits and tips in the suite. 

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