Wednesday 8 May 2013

Adobe Cloud - Now Subscription based - What are your thoughts?

 Adobe Cloud - Now Subscription based

The only thing that getting blogged or vlogged about in the photography community is regarding Adobe's move to stop selling software off the shelf and to sell via their own portal "Creative Cloud" which went live April '13 and in the coming months if you want to use Elements, Lightroom or Photoshop then you will have to pay a subscription fee.

Now there are pro's and Cons to this but from what i have found the majority or people complaining about it are the ones that are using pirate versions and are scared that in the future they will need to buy and pay for a subscription, now i know the cost of adobes software is not cheap at £600+ but nothing is free and i can see this is a move that all software companies will employ as it keeps costs down and helps to combat piracey. 

you can read more from 

You can find the price list from adobe here
For me they cost too much many students won't be able to afford it, photographers starting out don't have the funds per month so unless Adobe changes the pricing structure then i can see people moving to Corel Paintshop Pro X5 or Serifs photo pro packages which are in some ways easier and better believe it or not and all under $100 can complain to that but when the industry standard is Adobe then something has to give. 

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  1. Could someone explain what it means subscription based? I just bought the CS6 Web Premium. What does this have to do with me?

    1. There is nothing to worry about for the moment cs6 will still be available it's future products there will be no cs7 it will be cc7. As for Lightroom there is no change you will still be able to buy Lightroom 5 when that comes out hope this helps

  2. after lightroom 5 and Elements it will all be subscription based meaning you will have to pay each month to use the software. PS5 and PS6 along with LR5 are on the Creative cloud just now and will be subscription based from june.

  3. Is the subscription on each app you use? Like a la carte'? I use Illustrator, Dreamweaver. Just got Photoshop and trying to learn it. I haven't used Illustrator in in over a year. Am I still paying a monthly fee for it? I may not use Dreamweaver for a few months, then run it for a week solid.

    I'm still confused about this cloud thing and the costs. I do work for three non-profits. I'm retired on Social Security and Neither of us, myself and the non-profits, can afford to be shelling out a monthly fee.

  4. Did I mention that I don't get paid for my work with the non-profits? I don't get paid for any work I do on the computer.

    1. This is a huge issue with allot of people, from what i have seen its $50 for the whole software suite or $18 individually, There are other software packages that are out which will be getting blogged and videoed in the coming week.
