Saturday 31 August 2013

Top tips for perfect photo suite 7

For quite a while now I have been using Perfect Photo Suite 7, to edit my photos along side Lightroom 5. I must say that it is quite a workflow. Here are my 5 top features in perfect photo 7.

Sunday 18 August 2013

Image Print Edit & Calibration

The main reason for calibrating your monitor or display is so they represent a true colour match to what was taken and what should be printed out. In todays digital world image quality and the crispness and colours from an image are everything. 

Friday 16 August 2013

Composite Selfie

You may think that you need photoshop to create the grungy edgy creative portraits, well im here to let you know that is not the case. In this blog there is a video on how i created this composite using Adobe Lightroom and OnOne Perfect Photo Suite 7.

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