Wednesday 28 November 2012

Almost a Year

It's almost a year to the day that Pictography was born as an idea and then created in the form of the Facebook Group. I initially started off with "The Camphotopix Group" i guess my own fan group but after a few months i realized this was not me it might work for Jared Polin (The Fro) or Dom Bower but for now that was just not me i did not feel comfortably being center stage like that. So after joining group after group and page after page forum after forum i noticed the same pattern that there was no fun no community in most or they were trying to sell you the latest EBook, T shirt or gadget.  I looked around for someone to help me grow and build this community this person was found on youtube Carl Gibson Photo, after a few months we got our first Volunteer Admin Will "Wandom" Gardiner and then later on with Thomas Migot for a brief time and so we built the group up with assignments, youtube tutorials and a photography spreecast show that got the members and ourselves talking and chilling out with the likes of Adam Lerner, Jessica LarkMicheal Zelbel & Tammy Nguyen Le to name a few.

Always in the beginning i had a 3 or 5 year plan what direction i wanted the group to go and what i wanted it to become and its fitting into place allot quicker than i thought, The group has had a good first year we have had our share of issues and a few rotten apples but with any popular growing group these things will always happen people get jealous and want to ruin it for the rest or they go off and try and emulate what we are doing at Pictography but the simple fact is they cant they either don't have the drive, foresight & fortitude  and don't realize how much time and commitment running a group is never mind the fact we do it for FUN and get no MONEY from this what so ever but spend several hours a week if not more answering emails &  pm's from members, contacting potential sponsors and also special guest for the photography show and then other admin task like the competitions the list is endless lol.

We are the trailblazers
We have created the Pictography Page this will allow us to get a better feel of what the group wants and that we can showcase our members work, special offers and not to forget our sponsors, with a page we can get stats on whats trending what people are reading and these are the things that sponsors want to see.

The Pictography Blog
This is just an extension of the group which will showcase members, blog posts, interesting things that's going on in the world of photography, Youtube section, you can also watch the latest spreecast shows from the blog. There is so much more getting added.

So why not stick with a group
Member don't need to like the page or read the blog posts if they just want to use the group then that's great we are happy they are there learning, teaching and sharing there work.

Whats next
The next steps we will be looking at either a website and a forum, a members section, galleries. I want to pull the best bits from several places and make it a hub a community for online live learning tutorials. with spreecast shows, Stuff like creative live do but on a smaller scale, the forum like the fro's but suited to what we need and work, a members section for galleries there are ideas everywhere but for now we are just having fun, there is allot of work to get done now that we have the group, page and blog to maintain.

Thanks to all who have helped and to all our members for a great year and cant wait till next year.

Here are some of the Pictography Banners through the course of the first year. 
One of the first banners we had before the new group layout.

The first new banner designs

Our first Competition Winner, Each winner now gets their images displayed

 We will also have a "Team" at last to Admin, Moderate and maintain the blog, group & page
 These guys n gals are as follows.

The Pictography Group Admin Team
Cameron Pollock
Carl Gibson
Simon McGarry

The Pictography Page Team
Cameron Pollock 
Carl Gibson 
Simon McGarry 
Thomas Migot 
Christopher Skin-photography Ward 
Adrian Attwood

The Pictography Blog Team
Cameron Pollock
Christopher Skin-photography Ward
Adrian Attwood