Saturday 31 August 2013

Top tips for perfect photo suite 7

For quite a while now I have been using Perfect Photo Suite 7, to edit my photos along side Lightroom 5. I must say that it is quite a workflow. Here are my 5 top features in perfect photo 7.

Sunday 18 August 2013

Image Print Edit & Calibration

The main reason for calibrating your monitor or display is so they represent a true colour match to what was taken and what should be printed out. In todays digital world image quality and the crispness and colours from an image are everything. 

Friday 16 August 2013

Composite Selfie

You may think that you need photoshop to create the grungy edgy creative portraits, well im here to let you know that is not the case. In this blog there is a video on how i created this composite using Adobe Lightroom and OnOne Perfect Photo Suite 7.

Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug

Friday 21 June 2013

Assignment number 35 Self Portrait

If any of you have taken part in the assignment, you will know here at pictography we have a little competition, who can make the best photo within the month. This months assignment is to create a self portrait. A few months a go i had a go at making a copy of the Dexter poster, I had a lot of fun and it was a really good way learn the software I'm using. In this case the image is a little advanced so I used photoshop 

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Adobe Cloud - Now Subscription based - What are your thoughts?

 Adobe Cloud - Now Subscription based

The only thing that getting blogged or vlogged about in the photography community is regarding Adobe's move to stop selling software off the shelf and to sell via their own portal "Creative Cloud" which went live April '13 and in the coming months if you want to use Elements, Lightroom or Photoshop then you will have to pay a subscription fee.

Thursday 28 March 2013

Velcro Strap on you Flash

Customising your flashes is a great way to speed up your efficiency when you’re shooting. My personal favourite is putting a Velcro strap around the top of the flash so you can attach and swap extras easily. In this blog there is a video about how I use the Velcro strap with a neat tip to securer the strap to your flash.

Saturday 16 March 2013

Costume Vignettes

A image to me is never finished until add a vignette, but what's the point of just sticking with the standard edge burn. Using this technique you can make the image darker in any part you wish bringing the focus to your subject. But why stop there try adding a slight blur and using the same mask to give it a unique look.

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Image Prosser in Photoshop

In the Adobe Creative Suite there are some features that doesn't really get the use it deserves. In this blog I'm going to go through the Image Processor.

Thursday 3 January 2013

Google Plus Group

We are now on Google + and i must say the extra features that G+ offer are night and day from that of FB, A group just like FB but with sub categories like, photo critique, Nikon area, Canon area, events and so on, Also when you display or view a image on the right hand side it shows the EXIF data. Google plus has aim this all the Photographer. Google plus is a very visual social site its like FB but with Pintrest built in.

So as you can see from the image you can view all the new threads or comments via the All posts on the left or if you only want to post or read what in the Nikon section then you just need to click on that and away you go. Facebook are missing a trick with their own groups and by upgrading new groups in FB but not existing groups is a real pain in the ass.

So from now on we will be running the 2 groups on Facebook, The Facebook Page and the newly added GOOGLE+ Group which is Awsome :)

So to come join us you can click the link Below here or you can click the menu at the top to take you to any of our groups or pages.
Google+ Group

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Inspire Me

New to 2013 we bring you the inspire me series. The Inspire Me series will be full of different websites, Photographers, Photo sets, and anything we can bring you that will inspire you to get out making amazing images.

At first this will be a little about the inspiration along side links where you can find all about it. if we can get people reading and sharing the posts we can then incorporate images form photographers along with comments or interviews that will hopefully inspire you more and more.